Monday, July 23, 2007


I was really, intentionally going to go to the gym tonight. Got home from work, ate a relatively healthy dinner, laid on the couch for a while. And then went to the bathroom. And didn't get off the toilet for an hour. I don't know what the deal is but my stomach freakin' hurts. It might be period related, but lately the ol' tum-tum has been hurting a lot. I have always had stomach issues, but they're so on-again/off-again, that I've never really figured out what is actually wrong. It could be stress; I was a bit stressed out today at work. Like I said, it could be cramps. I could be something I ate, but I didn't really eat anything weird. My mom wants me to get tested for celiac disease. I don't think it's that. I didn't even eat any wheat products today. At least I have a valid excuse for not going to the gym. I guess I'll do my runs (no pun intended) tomorrow and Thursday instead of today and Wednesday.


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