Sunday, July 15, 2007

Back in the game

I woke up yesterday morning and texted Adina that I didn't want to go run. But then the guilt set in and I convinced myself to get up. At this point, Adina was not answering her phone. I got dressed and went to her apartment anyway, thinking if she wasn't there, I'd just drive to Lauren's by myself. I got there as she was leaving. I saw a car literally about to speed away and even though I wasn't sure if it was her, I laid on the horn. It was, she stopped and we were on our way. Lauren lives far! We got there after stopping at QT for some Propel and were on our way. Our run consisted of a 5 mile loop basically around Lauren's neighborhood. It was very interesting. We managed to get chased by no fewer than six dogs and have a man in a pick up truck yell to us, "They aint nothing but pets." Ummm, yeah what does that mean? Pets can still bite plus I hate the word aint. We also saw horses, cows and a dead snake and a dead rabbit. I think it was a combination of things, but I basically felt like my legs wouldn't move. Could be that I did a circuit training class the day before, could be that I had gone out the night before, could be that my Ipod batteries were dead and this is by far the longest run that I've ever done without music! We made it though and in decent time given that we had to walk for a bit when a dog decided that he wanted to join us.

It felt good to get back into it though.


Blogger Peaches said...

We might as well all et used to doing long runs iPod free since so many races are iPod free these days. This way when we can use them, the iPods are just bonus.

7:04 AM  

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