Friday, June 22, 2007

The woes of blogging

I used to update this thing regularly. I have nothing to say. I don't want my blog to fade into oblivion but I don't want to fill out dumb surveys that no one cares about. Here's the thing about having a non-anonymous blog, I feel like I can't always write everything I feel like I want to because some people (albeit, not many) know me in real life. I feel like there are a ton of things that I keep secret and can't even bring myself to admit them here due to fear of judgement. Not that I think my friends would judge me, but I feel like I don't necessarily need to reveal some parts of myself to my friends although I wouldn't have a problem revealing it anonymously to strangers. I don't know if this makes any sense. I'm not good at keeping things to myself. I did something dumb last weekend and I haven't told anyone. Not super stupid, but not super bright either.

Anyway, that aside. Sean called me last night from Kuwait. We're going to Dewey Beach in two weeks. (I've sworn off beer for these two weeks as to hopefully magically lose the beer tummy- well aside from my pool party next weekend). I miss him. I do for real but I know that sometimes I use him as my back up guy. I don't nearly miss him as much when I'm dating someone; when I'm not, I think about him all the time. Is this healthy?

On the workout front, did Pilates twice this week. I'm on week 2 of my two month twice a week pilates challenge that Emily (who wears a size 0 with no effort) swears will change my life. We shall see.


Blogger Brooke said...

There is a phrase that I really like that says: "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Use your blog for what you want. It's a way to vent and you might feel better afterwards.

4:54 PM  

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