Saturday, June 30, 2007

E & E

My brother and sister are ten and twelve years younger than me respectively. For a very long time, we didn't have much in common. When I was skipping class and worrying about the prom and getting into college, they were learning long division and losing teeth. When I was living on my own finally and working two jobs to pay for it, they were getting acne and braces. Now we finally, maybe are in the same place in life. My sister is still in high school but at least we can talk about things (boys, primarily, the drama that never goes away even when you get older.) I just wish we were closer. I don't know if we aren't because of the age difference or because I didn't grow up in the same house as them. Being the older one, I feel like it's my duty to forge a tighter bond with them, but they have to help be a part of it. I talked to my brother last night about him coming to visit me sometime this summer. I'd like for my sister to come too. In ten years, we'll all be on the same page in life. I want my kids (if I have kids) to know their Uncle and Aunt.

I just re-read what I wrote and realized that I didn't mention that they are my half-brother and half-sister. I never refer to them as that.


Blogger diana said...

I kind of understand where you are coming from. I am soon to have three step-siblings, 16, 14, and 10. I'm 23. Not a huge age difference, but big enough that I don't feel very close to them and have a hard time relating to them sometimes. I'm trying to do more things with them so that we bond, but it is still hard sometimes. Hope that things improve and you get closer to your sibs!

1:08 AM  

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