Sunday, December 03, 2006


I wrote this thing on Friday about how I was feeling depressed and the possible reasons why and everything but then I went running, saved the draft and feel better now so I don't think I'll publish it.

You know when you meet a guy and there's that spark? That feeling that you could sit in a crowded bar and talk to him for hours and not even notice the rest of the world? It's not just thinking about him, wondering if he'll call or answer that text or looking at his myspace page, it's something more. So, what happens when you meet a guy and it's not there? You like the guy. You really do. He's cute. He's nice. He'll drive far to see you. There's some sexual compatibilty but that spark just isn't there? Do you just move on? Reside to just being friends even though you've definitely crossed that threshold a long time ago. Or do you keep waiting, seeing if anything develops?

I'm supposed to run 8 miles today. The boat leaves at 5. I have to do it on the boat, I suppose. I don't have time to do it beforehand. I wonder if I'll have time to do it tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across your blog and saw you were doing the ING Marathon, me too! Keep your motivation up, I know it gets hard running the same route. Check out this website and there are all kind of options to pick from. Good Luck Training!

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great cruise!

11:04 AM  

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