Thursday, February 22, 2007

Burnt Out

Apparently I was on crack when I thought that it would be a fun idea to train for a marathon. I did not realize that towards the end, running takes up your entire life. I'm tired and hungry all the time and my social life has been shot to hell. And for what, to kill myself to run 26 miles? Why am I doing this? Why do I feel like I have something to prove? Let's see, besides the voracious appetite and falling asleep while I'm driving, let's count the other ways this is taking over my life. Yesterday Erin wanted to go to some social event. I like social events. I like meeting new people. I didn't go because I had to run. She said it was fun. Today, two of my friends called me to see if I was going out (and ask for directions to the bar because I am direction queen.) Couldn't do that either. That new boy asked if I wanted to go out tomorrow, nope can't, have to rest up for my scary 20 miler. There's a touch football tournament all weekend. Nope. There's an oysterfest. Nope once again.

I lurk on the Runner's World and Cool Running forums and when I read race reports, there's something glamourous about them. I don't know why. But training is anything but glamourous. It's a big pain the ass.

And no, I've never smoked crack.


Blogger Peaches said...

I'll put something in perspective for you. Maybe it will help, maybe not so much:

1) You're running a marathon. It's not something that most people can do at all. Most people don't have the heart or the will to do it and in a lot of cases (me for example) have physical problems that prevent them from doing it. So the "glamour" comes from doing something not just anyone can do. Anyone can go out and party, drink and hang out on a regular basis. You're doing something that separates you in a positive way and something you can be proud of.

2) My friend Jennifer trained for a marathon at a similar point in life to where you are now. She said it made her realize that she placed way too much value in her social life and partying. Not too long after the marathon she slowed down a bit, met a good guy and she's in a great relationship and she attributes a lot of it to her training.

3) You've gone out more in the last month than I have in the last 2 years. A few weeks of staying at home won't kill you. You have a ton of friends who will always be around and always want to go out. You could be me and have 3 or 4 real friends and only 2 of them ever wants to go out at all.

That's my grumpy, wake up and smell the coffee, reality check, I have my period reply for today.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Brooke said...

It will be worth it when you cross the finish line. I promise.

5:26 PM  

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