Saturday, February 17, 2007

random thoughts

I'm supposed to go to this party at an art gallery tonight but I really feel like sitting around doing nothing. I'm old; I can't take two nights out in a row anymore. But I'm going anyway, I guess. I'm supposed to go with a co-worker from my old job. I haven't seen her since I got fired (actually, she got fired too) and we've been talking about getting together for a while now. So I feel like I shouldn't back out because I'm lazy and still a bit hungover. It's 6:52 and I'm still wearing my fleece cloud pajamas.

This weekend has the potential to reak havoc on my liver. There was last night's birthday party, not to mention the fact that I had two beers with lunch (when in Rome, right?). Then I was talking to this guy that I recently met and invited him to something tomorrow. Some brewery anniversary party or some shit. I think I need a break after this.

Once my nose ring fell out while I was having sex. Just thought I'd throw that in there while I'm being random.


Blogger Brooke said...

I can one up the nose ring thing...Hee hee. When I met my hubby he had one of his nips pierced and once (when we were, ya know, busy) my necklace got caught on it and when I sat up......

10:27 PM  
Blogger Lee said...


I actually don't know how my nose ring fell out. It was a pain in the ass to get back in. I never take it out.

8:16 AM  

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