Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Why do I do this?

If you don't know me, you might feel sorry for me. But if you do know me, or if I've written about this before, you won't. I don't learn from my mistakes and/or am a glutton for punishment. I ate a bunch of sugar free candy again. This happens every couple of months or so. I think that maybe whatever specific candy I happen to buy might not hurt my stomach, and maybe it wouldn't if I only ate two or three pieces. But not me, I have to eat like ten. I don't know why I do this. They were some Walgreen's green apple candies. Yeah, they were good but not that good. Not good enough to warrant the gas pains that I've been having for the past four hours. I can deal with being a human stinkbomb; I do live alone. But I have to go to the gym at some point within the next hour. I cannot skip a four mile run because I'm an idiot.

I've had a lot of new jobs in my life. I know that it takes a while to get acclimated to everything. But every single time, I'm impatient. I want to know what I'm supposed to be doing right away. I want to be friendly with people right away. I want to be used to it. How long does it take? A month. Three? I've only been there for a week. I just want to feel comfortable. I guess not eating sugar free candies would help with that too.


Blogger Peaches said...

No comment on the sugar free candy. I don't understand why you do it. That crap is nothing but farts waiting to happen.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Lauren Starks said...

Definition of insanity, anyone?

9:02 PM  

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