Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You know what's fun?

When you go to the gym after work to run 3 miles and realize that not only have you forgotten a sports bra, but you have also forgotten a hair elastic. But I did the 3 miles anyway with my boobs pratically hitting me in the nose and my hair turning into a giant mess.

We had a staff meeting at work today. Of course, I understood about 2 percent of what they were talking about. They used a lot of acronyms. I did flash back to one of my other jobs and remembered how confused I was at the first meeting and how eventually I got it. So in a couple months, I think I'll be all good. The sales manager introduced me and told them that I was running a marathon. (I have a big mouth.) and two other women came into my office afterwards and told me that they'd run marathons and gave me all sorts of advice which was well appreciated. This one woman even said that she'd run the last couple of miles with me. I don't know why I didn't think of that before, but is there any reason that I can't enlist my friends to run the very end with me?


Blogger Peaches said...

That sounds like a great idea to have friends join you. I don't think I could run without a sports bra. It would hurt too much. I have A LOT of boobage.

You'll be great at the new job. Just give it time.

8:30 AM  
Blogger Lauren Starks said...

i have zero boobage and it hurts to run w/o a sports bra. Somebody on the website that should not be named recommended that when you forget a hair elastic, asking the front desk for a regular old rubber band - because anything is better than nothing.

9:21 AM  
Blogger sarah (SHU) said...

i had my husband run the last 6 miles of one of my marathons once and it was actually awful! somehow i feel like i can cope with pain better when i am alone and have no one to complain to. i am much happier suffering by myself and then knowing i have someone to meet and cheer for me at the finish line . . . but that's just my experience :)

12:14 AM  
Blogger sarah (SHU) said...

also i cannot IMAGINE running without a sports bra. i think i would have just gone home!

12:15 AM  

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