Sunday, February 11, 2007

18 miles and a drive of shame

The first 13 miles or so were fine. Then I had to go to the bathroom. So I stopped at Mellow Mushroom. It kind of went downhill from there. I started to get really cold. By this point the sun was starting to set and I guess that stopping and going into a warm restaurant and back into the cold air just got to me. I had purchased a Propel at the CVS next door but had to throw it away because it was making my hands too cold. I'm a big wimp. It was like 38 degrees out but I felt like I was in the Arctic. Around mile 14 or 15, I just felt like I was never going to get home and I was going to freeze to death. When I finally hit North Druid Hills (the road that I live off of), I felt a bit more optimistic that I would, in fact, make it home in one piece. I kind of got a second wind and even ran a bit faster. At least I felt like I was running faster, who knows? I made it home and took a warm shower and after about an hour or so finally felt warm.

So...the drive of shame part...

This story is going to start out badly from the first sentence. I met this guy in a gas station. We were at a bar next door and I had gone with Erin to the gas station so she could get cigarettes. This guy was in line behind us and we started talking about running marathons. Anyway, long story short Erin and her friend Melissa left me to go to another bar (for some reason I wasn't bothered by this, I was with some other friends) so eventually the guy and I take a cab to the other place. Somehow we start making out and of course as I'm doing this, I run into A, who I'd much rather be making out with. I find Erin and Melissa and we all go to Erin's house and the guy and I are still making out and eventually fall asleep. So, the next morning (which would be today) the guy and I take a taxi to get our cars because Erin has lost her keys. At this point I start to realize that this guy has this annoying laugh that I either didn't notice or overlooked last night. Or he wasn't laughing. But it's starting to bother me. Plus I had a headache. I got to my car and am driving home and am at a stop light and see two of my friends walking down the street. I look like hell. My makeup is all smeared and I'm wearing going out clothes. It's kind of apparent that I haven't been home even though it's past noon. One of them asks me where I'm going and I tell her home. "From last night?" she asks. Umm yeah.

Why do these things happen to me?


Blogger Peaches said...

They happen because you're living up your 20s!

7:40 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

I have a making out with boys in bars issue.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Peaches said...

I used to and then I turned into the most boring 26 year old on the planet. Come to think of it, those things only happen when I go places with you! Hmmm....Maybe you have some kind of random hook up aura.

8:51 PM  

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