Saturday, December 23, 2006

Why did 8 suck so bad?

Last Saturday I ran 10 miles. Despite poor route planning on my part which took me through a not so nice part of the town, I only really felt like I was going to die for the last half mile or so. And even then it was a half feeling like I was going to die. Today it was full on WHY THE FUCK AM I TORTURING MYSELF?? And the weird thing is it was only eight miles. I also planned my route a lot better and went through the Highlands and back which is a really nice route. I brought a propel and some of those sport jelly beans. It basically sucked from the beginning. I kept waiting for it to get better, for me to get into a zone but I never really did. By mile 5.5 or so I felt a little better. It still was not a good run. I know all runs aren't going to be good and sometimes there's no rhyme or reason for it. It's hard though. This is probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. It's definitely the hardest thing I've put my body through.

I've decided to start cooking more. I go through this phase pretty much every New Years. I'm making Vegetarian Tortilla Soup for dinner.


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