Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'll be okay

I weighed myself this morning. Not good. As in, it's a number that I haven't seen for at least two years. I knew, despite Evelyn's comments, that my clothes felt tight. But oddly enough, instead of feeling depressed about it, it was more like a wake up call and I almost felt hopeful. I know what I need to do. I know that I need to focus on meals and not grazing. I know that I need to not have extra helpings. I'm basically 10 pounds over where I'd like to be. If I don't lose the entire 10, that's okay. I'd be fine with 5. I know, 5 pounds, big deal, but I just don't want 5 to turn into 10 that turns into 15 etc.

I went to the gym last night to do some lifting. I posted a question on a certain message board that I used to frequent a lot (although lately not so much) about sore knees. Some of the seasoned runners there said that I needed to strengthen my legs. Apparently, as I found out last night, I need to do this before my knees hurt, not while they are currently sore. So my workout consisted of mostly upper body. Training for a marathon is tough. I don't know why I thought it'd be easy. I read a lot of running/fitness websites and people's accounts of their races and training and it all seems so glamourous to me. I'm not sure why. But when it comes down to it, it's fucking tough. And I guess I like to think of myself as tough, but sometimes I'm really not. I'm in Week 3 of training and I'm tired. I've wondered if I've been overtraining. Can someone overtrain when she's only running 20 miles a week?

I have this friend that I dated for a few months last year around this time. The dating thing didn't work out but we still stayed friendly. We don't hang out that much but we do go out to dinner every so often. He started dating a girl in New York. I knew this. I started dating a variety of people. It was always something that we sort of talked about with each other but sort of didn't. Anyway, his New York girlfriend just moved here and he proposed to her. I feel a little weird about that and I don't know why. I don't have any feelings for him whatsoever. It's more that I'm worried that he won't want to hang out with me anymore. Or rather, she won't want him to. I've never met this girl. If she's cool, great. I always like finding new girlfriends. I'm confused. I feel like I'm not supposed to care.


Blogger Lauren Starks said...

this "good lord how am i going to find the motivation to do these LONGER runs" that I'm feeling now makes me think I should have joined a training group for this marathon.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

It's not only the motivation, but it's also, "How am I actually going to find a route with sidewalks thats X miles long." Hence, my recent run up Buford Highway which I don't recommend.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Lauren Starks said...

i fully understand...way out the burbs we have no sidewalks, except inside subdivisions. My subdivision is surrounded by VERY busy roads with double yellow lines & no sidewalks.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Peaches said...

*increasingly happy that she will be running no long distance races ever*

Lee, isn't weight gain during marathon training normal for some?

5:36 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Adina, I think it is normal, but I'm still not happy about it. There are other factors too such as being on a cruise ship for a week and having holiday candy in the office.

6:26 PM  

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