Friday, December 15, 2006

The most common question is why

I get that all the time. "I'm running a marathon."


I have no idea. To see if I can. To physically challenge myself. To have an activity to devote my time to besides going to bars and playing on the internet. To lose weight. To be able to eat a lot. To lose myself in a bunch of new music. To have some sort of strict routine to follow. To justify taking long naps and eating lots of chips.

I don't know why. I read race reports and running blogs and everything and there's just something about the elusive (well, to me) marathon. Tomorrow I'm doing 10 miles with Erin on the Silver Comet. I can't even remember the last time I ran ten miles. I suppose it was in early April. Almost a fucking year ago! At least the trail is flat. I guess running on a flat trail is not exactly good preparation for a rather hilly race but whatever. So now begins the only going out one night of the weekend part of the training. That's good. I need some sort of discipline. If I have a reason not to go out, I won't. If I don't, I will. Of course since I'm not going out tonight, I have made plans with about 5 different people for tomorrow night and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be at 5 places at once. I think I just got excited about actually being in Atlanta for the first time in 3 weeks and not spending my weekends on a ship full of motorized scooters.

I need new music. I'm sick of my running shit. I'm supposed to make a running mix for Dave and he's supposed to make me one. I think that's a good sign that I like a person. I mean, in general as a friend. Once I consider you my friend, I'll make you a mix if you're interested. How middle school of me.


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