Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Good Intentions

I fully intended this blog to be about training for my first marathon. But like every other blog I seem to start, it ends up being about boys. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hell, I'm happy if there are boys to even blog about. The problem is that I start to worry that somehow they will find this and read about themselves and then figure out exactly how neurotic I really am. I've tried to use code names in other blogs but if you were Tim, for example, (guy that moved to San Diego) and I refered to you as Kickball guy, and you were reading, you'd still know you were you. What to do, what to do? Sometimes writing about guys is just a lot more interesting then writing about running.

I still fully intend to document all my marathon training here. I made myself get off the couch after watching two 6FU episodes*. I started to do that bargaining thing; telling myself, well, you could go to the gym tomorrow morning instead of tonight. But then I snapped back to reality and thought about how much I hate waking up early. I basically bribed myself with a Propel from QuikTrip if I went. Who does that? Bribes themself with an energy drink? It seems to work though and I did 4 miles on the treadmill. It felt sort of hard. It felt like the treadmill was at an incline. It wasn't. But I managed.

* I am now obsessed with the Imogen Heap version of the song, "I'm a lonely petunia in an onion patch." All 59 haunting seconds of it. I don't know what I'm going do when I finish watching the DVDs of this show.


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