Monday, December 18, 2006


So, I did what any normal person would do; I picked out the yogurt clusters and threw the cereal away. I sort of felt like Miranda in that Sex and the City episode where she picks the cake out of the trash can. Fortunately, I buried the cereal under various bathroom trash (including some expired condoms that never got used. So much for being prepared.) So, lesson learned for the millionth time. You can't buy cereal. The only kind of cereal that you won't binge on is oatmeal. You are allowed to buy oatmeal. Another reason for my massive consumption of cereal is that on Saturday night, my friend Evelyn, who I haven't seen in probably 2-3 months, said I looked thin. I'm still scared to weigh myself but everytime I feel like I might have lost some weight, I see it as an opportunity to shove more food in my mouth. What is wrong with me? I have also acquired, not that I'm complaining:
1. a tin of popcorn
2. a box of godiva chocolates
3. a $50 gift card to Buckhead Life restaurants
4. a promise of a bottle of wine
from various vendors at work. I hate this time of year.

This is unrelated, but sometimes I wonder who I am lately? I mean, since when am I the type of person that covets a $400 Coach bag and really since when am I the type of person that thinks that $400 is not that much to pay for a bag? Unfortunately, I have yet to become the type of person that can actually afford a $400 bag.

In other, more related to food news, I did something quite unlike me. Not only was it domestic, but it was Jewish. I made matzoh ball soup for dinner (granted, out of a mix, but still.) Despite where I work, which is a coincidence, I am the quintesential non-practicing Jew. But deep down, there's a love for all things Matzoh ball and whoda thunk, it's vegetarian.


Blogger Peaches said...

Dude, if you don't want vendor gifts, give them to me! We get nothing over where I work.

What's wrong with a $400 Coach bag from time to time? As long as you don't acquire a whole wardrobe of $400 Coach bags when you can't afford them, getting one or two isn't bad.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Nothing is wrong with the bag. It's just that until recently, (well, like within the past five years) I didn't even carry a purse. I kept my wallet in my back pocket like a guy. I have become quite the girly girl.

9:50 PM  
Blogger Peaches said...

I would have never guessed that about you. You strike me as a girly girl.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

I'll have to show you pictures. It wasn't so much that I was tomboyish, more umm... granola without the crunchy if that makes any sense.

I am a total brat for complaining about getting food for presents. I am grateful (especially for the gift certificate) but I have such a hard time with food lingering in my office.

10:17 PM  
Blogger Peaches said...

I know what you mean. It's funny...I spent 2 years with pink hair and flannel shirts. I was all into grunge. Grunge is the LAST thing I could be classified as now.

7:10 AM  

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