Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday night depression

I don't know why I get like this. Every Sunday night, a huge wave of depression runs over me. I listen to sad music and want to cry. I have a pretty easy week. My boss is out of town for the next two weeks. I have five vacation days that I need to take. Plus, with the holidays and all, it's going to be slow so I'll have tons of time to devote myself to reading random blogs. It's not going to work that bums me out exactly. I don't know what it is. It's irrational.

Plus my stomach hurts. After racking my brain to figure out what I might have eaten, I realized that I had sugar free syrup with my sweet potato for dinner. I don't know why I do that either. Sugar free stuff tears up my already messed up stomach. I think I have a slight sugar phobia. There is definitely something wrong with me if I'd rather be in pain than consume what I deem to be unecessary calories. I still have issues.

Back to the Sunday night depression thing. The weird part is that I'll wake up tomorrow morning and be fine. It's strictly a Sunday night thing.


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