Yay for Poddie!
I am now the proud owner of (yet another) IPod! Meet Poddie:

The reason I wanted another Ipod is that I really wanted the Nike + Ipod so I can track my runs. I got that too. Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah to me. Thanks Dad. Only problem, and I knew this, is that my computer is so old that the USB port is not the kind that's most compatible with the Nano. I forget the numbers, but I think the Nano wants you to have a USB 2.2 and I have a 1. something. It works, it just transfers slowly. I can't wait to use it tomorrow for my 8 mile run.
Also, I am the nicest person on the face of the earth. My friend, the one who's getting married, the one I used to date, called me from Kentucky today. Apparently, his girlfriend (I guess I should say fiancee) had her stuff shipped to his house and Fedex was supposed to obtain a signature before leaving it but they just dropped it off. He lives in a sort of shady area so he was afraid that someone would take it. So I drove over there in rush hour traffic, mind you, and put a sheet over the boxes. Aren't I a good friend? I decided to stop at Barnes & Noble on the way home. I picked up two books. One is a book of first marathon stories and the other is a book about sports nutrtion. I also discovered that Barnes & Noble is a mecca for cute boys. Unfortunately, I was wearing a huge UVM sweatshirt and looked like hell, but it's still good to know.

The reason I wanted another Ipod is that I really wanted the Nike + Ipod so I can track my runs. I got that too. Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah to me. Thanks Dad. Only problem, and I knew this, is that my computer is so old that the USB port is not the kind that's most compatible with the Nano. I forget the numbers, but I think the Nano wants you to have a USB 2.2 and I have a 1. something. It works, it just transfers slowly. I can't wait to use it tomorrow for my 8 mile run.
Also, I am the nicest person on the face of the earth. My friend, the one who's getting married, the one I used to date, called me from Kentucky today. Apparently, his girlfriend (I guess I should say fiancee) had her stuff shipped to his house and Fedex was supposed to obtain a signature before leaving it but they just dropped it off. He lives in a sort of shady area so he was afraid that someone would take it. So I drove over there in rush hour traffic, mind you, and put a sheet over the boxes. Aren't I a good friend? I decided to stop at Barnes & Noble on the way home. I picked up two books. One is a book of first marathon stories and the other is a book about sports nutrtion. I also discovered that Barnes & Noble is a mecca for cute boys. Unfortunately, I was wearing a huge UVM sweatshirt and looked like hell, but it's still good to know.
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