Friday, March 16, 2007

Logistics and such

It suddenly occured to me that my marathon is a week from Sunday. It also occured to me that I have absolutely nothing figured out. It's like for some reason, I've been avoiding all things running related. I used to be on running websites all the time. Maybe it's because I now spend my days actually working, but I haven't graced Runner's World or Cool Running in a while. But it's coming up and I need to prepare.

Specifically, here's what I need to figure out:

1. When and where I pick up my race packet.
2. When and where I pick up my mother.
3. How I'm getting to the race.
4. Where my mother will be and how she will get there.
5. What I'll wear which depends on the weather. I'm pretty sure that I'll wear these gray capri running pants that I like a lot but I have no idea what to wear for a top. I need my ugly-ass visor too.
6. Which of my friends are going to come and where they will be and what they will bring me to eat.
7. Music for my marathon mix.
8. What to do at the end and how I'm going to get home. I wish my mother knew how to drive stick. That would make my life a little easier.



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