Monday, December 25, 2006


Apparently, I am not sick. I took yesterday off from doing any sort of physical activity and I think that was what my body needed. I felt fine. I had a really weird night. I went to a bar with some friends and didn't really like what was on the menu. I ended up getting a salad and some hummus but I didn't really eat much. Yeah, big mistake there. Of course, I ended up getting really drunk and probably acting like a fool. It was fun. It was a random hodge podge of people.

Then friend drove me home and things happened. I am not exactly sure how that started. I probably started it. I tend to be sort of flirty when I drink. Also, I woke up this morning and my nose ring was like half out of my nose. It's corkscrewed on the inside and when that happens, it's really hard to get back in. I don't know what would make it fall out. That's only happened to me once before.

It's rainy out but not that cold and sort of peaceful since there are very few cars on the road. I think I'll go for my skipped 4 mile run in a little while.


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