Tuesday, March 20, 2007

In which I try to figure out boys and fail miserably

I talked to the boy last night. Not TALKED, but we just talked on the phone. I asked him if he wanted to get together this week which means either tonight or tomorrow since we have kickball on Thursday. He basically said no. He said he needed to figure some stuff out and he hasn't been home in a long time and he's stressed out at work. I just said, "Okay." Then he was like, "I'll see you on Thursday though." He still said he was coming to the marathon. I don't know. This puts all kinds of doubt in my mind. Maybe he thinks we're spending too much time together. Maybe he doesn't like me as much as I like him. Maybe this, maybe that. Or maybe he really just needs some time to himself. My nature is to overanalyze everything. I annoy and depress the hell out of myself by doing it. This is what happens to me every single time I date someone. I get to the point where I start liking him a lot and then I get scared and decide that he doesn't feel the same so I completely back off.

Anyone else care to decode? Or is there anything to decode?


Blogger Peaches said...

RELAX!!! Maybe he has other personal stuff going on that has nothing to do with you. Just don't get all weird on him or he will disappear. Guys are good at reading when we're being weird.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Now I'm worrying that I acted weird towards him. I was half asleep during our conversation. Eh, whatever.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Well, actually I was weird. Because at first I was just like, "Okay." and then I asked him what he needed to figure out. He was like, "I spent all weekend with you two weeks ago and then last weekend I was out of town and I just need to figure some things out." Of course, all I heard was, "I spent all weekend with you." like that was a bad thing. Okay, I'm totally thinking about this tooooo much.

I hate that I get like this. HATE IT. I think this is why I never have a boyfriend. Because I'm an insecure freak.

6:39 PM  

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