Saturday, December 30, 2006

Half marathon basically

I just ran a little less than 13 miles (12.9). So yeah, I ran a half marathon. In the rain. I haven't run that distance since last April. It went pretty well. It basically felt the same as the other half marathons that I've done except this was all by my lonesome. This was the first run that I've done with my Nike + Ipod thing and it was totally off. It told me that I ran 18 miles. Sometimes it would tell me my correct pace and other times it would say 6 minute miles. I looked this up and it's because I don't have Nike shoes. I think I need to play around with where I put the sensor and see what works best. Supposedly the closer and more parellel to the ground it is, the better. In the Nike shoes, it goes under the insole. It was frustrating to have Charlene (the woman voice that tells you how far you've gone, I named her) say 400 meters to goal when I knew that I was like 4 miles to goal.

I'm really blah right now. After being cooped up inside since basically Wednesday, I'm itching to do something. I might have dinner with Jamie and Dave at No Mas Cantina. I like their salsa. I am going to try not to eat a buttload of chips this time. I haven't weighed myself in a while because I decided that it was counter productive to marathon training. I cannot let myself restrict my food intake during this. My clothes are fitting fine lately.

I need to pick up some alcohol for tomorrow night. Stupid Georgia alcohol sales laws. Don't they know I'm feeling lazy?


Blogger Peaches said...

It makes me laugh that the iPod lady has a name.

There was a whole thread on the Cool Running boards about the placement of the Nike thing if you dont' have Nike shoes.

10:18 PM  

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