Friday, April 20, 2007

Get over it

I don't think my friends realize just how much I still talk to C. I need to get over this. I need to stop secretly thinking that just because there was some drunken hookup the other week, things are going to work out. They're not. I'm not sure why I'm having such a tough time moving on. In the grand scheme of my dating life, he was merely a blip. I deserve better.

I turn 29 tomorrow. It feels old but doesn't. I feel like I'm behind. I was talking to someone I work with who is about to turn 30. She said that she feels the same way. I don't like to think of myself as one of those girls who just wants to get married, but I feel like jeez, I should be in some sort of serious relationship by now. I've really never had a serious relationship. I've dated a lot but tend to freak out several months into it and break it off. 28 was a good year though. Here's to 29 being even better. *Raises imaginary glass*


Blogger Lauren Starks said...

Happy Early Birthday. We're going to be out and about most of the day tomorrow, but wanted to wish you the best!


9:14 PM  

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