Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I finally got up the nerve to step on the scale the other day. I hadn't weighed myself since the early weeks of marathon training. I didn't for two reasons. One, I wanted to allow myself to eat if I felt hungry. I didn't want to let a number on the scale possibly effect my training and two, after a while I got scared. But since the marathon is over and my clothes are feeling tight, I realized that it was probably time to see just what that number was. And yes, it was higher. Probably a good 6-7 pounds higher. There are other factors, I'm sure. I maybe gained some muscle and I just started my period but the bottom line is that I've been eating more. And drinking more. I don't like being at this weight. I feel uncomfortable in my clothes; I feel uncomfortable in my skin. So I've been eating and drinking less. The drinking less I can handle. Hopefully that will make a difference. It's the eating less that's problematic. I don't know how to go about it without becoming all fucked up in regards to food. I'm going to bed hungry and dreaming of food. I'm trying to count calories. I don't want this to become an obsession again but at the same time, I sort of do because at least then I was skinny.

I just needed to get that out of my head. I know I'm not fat and I know I probably could use therapy for this too but I want my clothes to fucking fit again.


Blogger Brooke said...

I go through these periods of mild obsession too. Before bed try an apple or banana...and when you are hungry after you just ate, try water. Your body can confuse the hunger signal with the dehydrated signal.

10:28 AM  
Blogger diana said...

I totally hear you! I haven't been doing too much running or biking, and have been freaking out lately because my shorts from last summer don't fit and I hate when my clothes don't fit. I have some cool clothes, and it costs a lot to replace them!! But it's hard for me not to get totally obsessive and count every calorie eaten and burned every day. Ughl. I guess I just need to run more. But hey, you ran a marathon, something I'm still training for! So try to enjoy the strength and remember how awesome your body is that it can run a marathon! :-)

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about your weight! Unless you're fat!!!

There are these great new shorts available for the iPod user that enjoys an active lifestyle. The shorts have a pocket to hold your iPod and a system to contain the earphone cord. No more annoying cord in your face and catching on everything! You're free to safely and conveniently live your active lifestyle while listening to your music. Other iPod clothing and accessories available as well.

Digital Audio Wear

Check it out!

2:24 AM  

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