Sunday, April 15, 2007

My soundtrack

I ran five miles yesterday. I wasn't sure what to expect. I haven't run since the marathon save for one horrible mile and a half where it was freezing out and I'd forgotten headphones. I started out and it sucked. I got a little panicky. Had I really lost that much of my ability to run in two weeks? By the time I got to Target, which is a little over a mile, I felt better. It was just the same as before. The first mile is always the toughest. I realized that running really does calm me. It gives me time to think. My life gets sort of chaotic and the only time that I really have to myself is when I'm running. I don't know how to explain that. I'm in my apartment by myself a lot. But there are always distractions - tv, the internet, instant messenger, the phone. Sure, when I'm running I listen to music, but it's sort the background to my thoughts.

Speaking of music, I need to find some new stuff. I've been playing with Pandora, which sometimes gives me good suggestions and sometimes not. Some songs I'm loving currently:

Masterfade - Andrew Bird
Begin - Ben Lee
Lover's Spit (Redux) - Broken Social Scene
Sinister in a State of Hope - Loney, Dear


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