Thursday, January 11, 2007

The woes of texting

I have nothing against text messenging in the slightest. In fact, I've gone over my allotted number of messages several times. However, I think there is something very impersonal about it. Sometimes it's okay to be impersonal: Where are you? or I'm at X, come meet me. But then there are the times when you get a message and you know that the person has sent it to everyone in his phone. Case in point. I got a message last night from Brian. Brian is a guy that I was briefly hanging out with a few months ago. I've written about him, but not mentioned him by name. Nothing bad happened between the two of us; there just wasn't much there. I think it was more on my part than his. I haven't talked to him in maybe two or three weeks. Last night I received a message. Something about his birthday party at a bar. Now I know he didn't just send me this message. It was too impersonal. So I'm wondering, did he tell everyone in his phone about his birthday party? I can't imagine doing that. Would I really want Grandma Cell to know about my birthday debauchery? I don't think so. Maybe his grandmother likes to party though. Who knows? In addition to the text, I also received a generic Myspace message from him. Upon further investigation (i.e. I asked JL), I found out this was a group message too. A part of me is wondering why he's even inviting me to these things and another part is like, "I had some sort of thing with this guy, the least he can do is send me a personal message." Sometimes technology is not my friend.

ETA: I just re-read what I wrote and realized that I sound sort of contradictory. I guess my main problem is that I had some sort of thing with this guy and he's just sending me the generic text that he apparently also sends his grandmother. If she has a cell phone. Not everyone's Grandma is as technologically advanced as mine. Although she would never know how to read a message.


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