Saturday, October 21, 2006

Good run

I didn't end up doing much of anything last night. I spent a good two hours watching a Dateline special on sexual predators while talking to Adam and drinking Vodka mixed with Crystal Light (cause I'm sophisticated like that.) That's probably for the better though because I had an awesome run this morning. I actually managed to sleep until almost 9:30 which was a big treat. Normally I get up around 7ish and am groggily messing around my apartment for 2 hours until I fall back alseep and the morning is gone. Right now I'm following a Runner's World 10K training plan so I can do well in the Turkey Chase. Today was 6 miles at a 11 something pace. I don't know what my pace was. If I had that Nike+ ipod thing that I am fantasizing about, I would. That would mean that I would be the owner of three Ipods. Is that necessary? Umm, yeah, it is. Anyway, it felt slow but maybe not that slow. I ran down Lenox into the Highlands and back up Briarcliff. I had done the same route a few weeks ago and had to stop for some hillier parts. Today I ran the whole thing. Might have had to do with the temperature outside. It was a nice 55 degrees or so. I wore a long sleeve shirt and was sort of hot. I could have kept going. A marathon is 20 miles more than I ran today.


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