Thursday, October 19, 2006

And so it begins

Yesterday I did something midly insane; I signed up for the ING Georgia Marathon. It's on March 25, 2007. 5 months away. In five months, I will run 26.2 miles. WTF? Hence the title of my blog.

I've attempted to start a blog before but always ended up writing way too many personal things about myself that I didn't want anyone to read. Not sure what the point of a blog is if I don't tell anyone the address. So, this time I'm going to try to focus on marathon traning and everything that goes with it. I will try not to write much about personal things (i.e. boys and work) although I'm sure they'll creep in here and there. The way I figure it, if I wouldn't want my parents to read about anything that their little angel did, then I shouldn't write it.

Back to marathon training. I'm going to follow the New York Road Runners training plan for a casual marathoner. I looked at what seemed like a very overwhelming selection of training plans and I decided that I liked that one the most. It's just mileage; there aren't speed workouts or hills. There are two 20 mile long runs. It's an 18 week program. For me, the 18 weeks begins on December 4th. Until then, I'm actually following a training plan for a 10K that I'm running on Thanskgiving with my dad and Emma. I'm also running the Chomp and Stomp 5K in 3 weeks.


Blogger Peaches said...

So you are doing the ING! Good luck. I'd love to join you but no way am I able to do it. I'll be around. I can post here without being on Shape. Oh and I've got my own blog over here but I haven't posted yet.

8:46 AM  

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